Ready to Fuel Your Protein Servings By Eating Pasta?

Hello Thailand! A new pasta is in town! Protein Spirulina pasta that contains more antioxidants, protein, calcium, potassium & iron than your regular ol’ dish! 100% Vegan and kid-husband-granny friendly (everyone is covered)!

Get some in your kitchen now!
Green Is The New Black. Protein Pasta Is The New Meal!

If you are Vegan, Vegetarian or perhaps just want to cut back on meat and fish for a while, you can opt for Spring Pasta! Did we also mention that it is super yummy too 🤤 😋

Buy Vegan Pasta Now!
Healthy, Nutritious & Quick To Make!

Spring Pasta is made from zero nasties and uses premium imported quality wheat from Italy. Spring is perfect for kids and is also a great option for a satisfying meal that will offer both protein and carbs in one! Can’t get much better than this!

Get Your Spring Pasta Today!

World's tastiest high protein pasta

Spirulina infused pasta with more protein, vitamins and minerals than regular pasta. 100% Vegan.

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Spirulina What?

Spirulina is a 3.5 billion year old blue-green algae (yes, very, very old, older than dinosaurs!) that converts greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide into usable nutrition, protein, and oxygen.

Already fairly interesting, right?! It is arguably the best superfood on the planet,with the United Nations stating Spirulina is the best food for the future !

Spirulina is a superfood powerhouse because it fuels you with a variety of essential nutrients such as vitamins E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, K1 and K2 and minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, chromium and potassium! Wah, so many ma?!

It is also loaded with crucial phytonutrients such as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), chlorophyll, c-phycocyanin and other carotenoids including the powerful antioxidant zeaxanthin.

Take me home now, or what?!

Learn More About This Green Stuff! Click Here

Benefits of Spirulina.

Nutritional Benefits

Spirulina is a blue-green algae offering exceptionally high protein content and a remarkably complete composition of vitamins and minerals essential for healthy living.

Click Here To Supercharge

Spring Community Love

By enabling small rural farmers to be educated about spirulina, and taught how to produce the superfood. Energaia (Spring) is able to buy back product to create a flourishing micro-ecosystem.

Spring is more than a brand. By choosing to purchase Spring products you are enabling a vision of more people around the world starting many micro spirulina economy communities. This offers financial growth to rural farmers and superfood nutritional goodness to those who need it most!

Click Here To Support Communities

Learn More from quick Spring-Reads!

Read below and go on a journey to discover all things Spirulina! Each article is short, and is jammed packed with interesting information on Spirulina and why this superfood should be in your household!

The United Nations agree that Spirulina cultivation is good!

Two branches of the United Nations —the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization— agree that Spirulina cultivation is good for the Earth and our stomachs!

Spirulina: an ancient superfood!

Spirulina has been around for billions of years—approximately 3.5 billion years out of the 4.5 billion that Earth has been around. This makes it one of the oldest living organisms on our planet. This type of algae had been playing a crucial role in balancing carbon dioxide levels and atmospheric oxygen long before the first humanlike species ever walked the Earth.

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