The United Nations agree that Spirulina cultivation is good!

Spirulina is affordable, easy to farm and incredibly nutritious, making it the ideal food to fight hunger and malnutrition at home and across the globe! Two branches of the United Nations —the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization— agree that Spirulina cultivation is good for the Earth and our stomachs!

Spirulina can be grown with simple resources, mainly sunshine and water. Its cultures flourish in high-PH water, discouraging cohabitation with harmful microbes (like germs and viruses) that cannot survive in such alkaline-heavy habitats. It’s completely natural, safe for children, and an excellent source of protein and vitamins. For many reasons, spirulina is a lifesaver for the UN and really anyone who’s a fan of essential nutrients and clean food.

This all-natural food source shows immense potential for combating worldwide malnutrition and its kind on the environment. Because spirulina is a sort of photosynthetic microalgae, it can also play a pivotal role in the reduction of greenhouse gases. Eating spirulina can truly heal us and the world around us. That’s why the UN is looking at ways to use Spirulina powers to revolutionize food security in communities near and far from us!